Everybody can participate in the current actions of Remix and propose a new one. Individuals who adhere to the mission, values and objectives of the collective, as defined in the charter and statutes, may become members of it.
Why to became a member ?
The membership of the collective gives the right to participate in the definition of its orientations and strategic actions during the meetings of the Governance Circle, and the right to represent the association after having obtained the mandate of the Circle of Governance.
How to became a member ?
After having been invited or having applied for it, the future member will obtain the approval of the governance circle.
What is the condition to become a member?
Each member commits to a significant annual contribution of voluntary time to support the activities and projects of the collective, The voluntary time devoted to the collective is applicable for actions and projects, and for participation in the governance of the Association. A contribution will be considered significant when it is equivalent to 3 hours a month.
To become a member of Remix, send a message to info@remixthecommons.org