Culture, communauté, et collaboration: nouvelles pistes pour la protection du patrimoine autochtone

Questions about the “ownership” or the right to benefit from the indigenous heritage are at the heart of political, economic and ethical debates taking place at the local, national and international levels. When it comes to research in this field,…

Rick Wolff: les coopératives pour se guérir du capitalisme Video : 6min

Rick Wolff: Cómo curarse del capitalismo El profesor Rick Wolff explica los motivos por los que el crecimiento ha adquirido tal protagonismo en nuestros sistemas políticos. La desigualdad es consecuencia de la forma en la que están organizadas las empresas.…

Wa(te)rdrops, un projet de documentaire sur les luttes autour de l’eau en Grèce

A great new documentary that is currently in production, documenting the water struggles around Greece. The working title of the new documentary is “Wa(te)rdrops”, and it aims to present, through in-depth research and fieldwork, struggles concerning water around Greece, including…

Commons And Populare Education, Experience Sharing And Perspectives

At the last meeting of the Francophone network for the commons, popular education approaches have been discussed several times. Working groups should be set up to pursue this logic, one in particular, around the idea of ​​school or university common…