Integrating the paradigm of knowledge commons into action and policies for transition

To encourage reflection on the integration of commons knowledge in the visions and perspectives of the actors involved in the transition, we propose a seminar around the FLOK Society project with Michel Bauwens on 22 and 23 September 2014 near…

Public Debate : “For The Transition, A Sharing Knowledge And Commons Economy”

Facing economic, social and ecological crises, many of us think that we must create the conditions for a transition from a productivist industrial world to an economy based on sharing knowledge commons and collaborative and contributing productions. The first challenge…

Culture, Community, And Collaboration: New Routes For The Protection Of The Ancestral Cultural Patrimony

Questions about who “owns” or has the right to benefit from Indigenous heritage are at the core of ongoing political, economic, and ethical debates taking place at local, national, and international levels. When it comes to research in this area,…