The world needs ideas for a better and sustainable future, but the ideas are not enough. The Futureperfect platform is a virtual encyclopedia of people taking initiatives, organizations and businesses who move from thinking to action. Sharing these stories aims to inform about alternative lifestyles and to encourage civic engagement.
The French partners of Futureperfect, the German team of FUTURZWEI, activists and all interested public will meet to discuss the role of media in the developpement of social economy practices and sustainable lifestyles.
Debate part of la Semaine des cultures étrangères held by the FICEP and in cooperation with the Festival Temps des communs.
- Barnabé Binctin, Journaliste Reporterre
- Peter Unfried, Journaliste TAZ
- Benoit Cassegrain and Hélène Legay, SideWays
- Mathias Lahiani, On passe à l’acte
Moderated by Luise Tremel, FUTURZWEI and Frédéric Sultan, Remix the commons